First, make sure you never put your child to bed with milk, formula, juice, sugar water  or anything other than plain water.  This can lead to early cavities on baby teeth.  If the child is nursing at night make sure that you wipe their mouth out with wet gauze or wash cloth after feeding.  Never let them fall asleep nursing without wiping their mouth.

Also, if the primary care giver has untreated decay, the cavity causing bacteria can be transferred to the child at an early age and lead to early cavities.  Thus, try not to share utensils, cups, etc. with children if there is untreated decay.

Make sure your child is brushing at least twice per day with fluoride toothpaste. Your child may need your help brushing until he/she is around 7-8 years of age. Flossing is also important because it cleans the area between the teeth that the toothbrush can’t reach. Avoid sugary drinks and foods, limit frequent snacking between meals, and maintain a healthy diet. Make sure to keep regular appointments with your pediatric dentist.